Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat

Halloween was so much fun this year!  This was the first time we dressed Benjamin up for Halloween.  I know...those cute baby costumes are adorable but I just couldn't see spending a dime on something that he would wear for just a picture and then we would take it off and it would never been worn again.  I know...boooo!!! 

This year we got a hand-me-down Curious George costume from a gal I work with.  Perfect!  It was in GREAT condition and Ben is in love with George at the moment. 

During the week he and Grandma go to storytime at the local libraries.  They try to hit 1-3 a week.  It's good for them to get out of the house and with some kids.  Anywho...the theme has been Halloween and the kids were encouraged to dress up in their costumes.  Ben brought his - usually wore it a few minutes and then took it off because he was too hot but it got him excited for the BIG day.  We had been practicing saying "trick or treat" and "thank you" all week.  And it TOTALLY paid off.  He did GREAT!  And loved it!!  After every house, he'd say, "trick or treat more?!?!".   Grandma was nice enough to come over and hand out candy at our house so we both could go with Ben. 

Checking out the pumpkin

"Trick or Treat"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Just because

So today, for no reason at all, as I opened up this blog post, tears came streaming down my face.  I can't even begin to tell you how lucky I am to have this wonderful boy.  I wonder if every mother feels this way...I hope they do.  Don't get be wrong, life is not all sunshine and gum drops at our house.  There are plenty of time outs, tantrums and tears but I wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world.  I love mornings and night time the best.  My little monkey crawls out of his bed and stands next to me and pets my face and says "Momma, I awake".  I say, "I see that buddy.  Did you sleep good?"  He says, "Uh huh" and I ask "Did you have good dreams?  What did you dream about?"  He says the same thing every morning, "McQueen.  Chick.  The King. (pause) Want Chuggington.  (pause)  Need to make poops." 

At night, I love the snuggling in under the blanket to read a story (or 4) and sing songs.  The best is when he sings with me.  A.d.o.r.a.b.l.e!!!

I can't imagine what life would be without him. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Big Boy Bed

We hit another milestone this week.....Benjamin learned how to crawl out of his crib while he was at Grandma's on Tuesday.  She heard him crying and there he was on the chair.  Poor guy was more startled than hurt.  That meant when I got to Grandma's it was time to break down her crib to the toddler bed which was no problem and instead of watching the movie that we picked up at the redbox we put together Ben's "new" bed.  Actually, it's a hand-me-down from Jack.  Ben was pretty excited about that.  While we were doing that I quick washed the big boy sheet and duvet cover so they would be ready for bed time.  He was not too sure about it at first but we read a few books in there and sang a couple of songs and he was good to go.  Boy does he look tiny in that big boy bed.   Here is the Duvet and here are the sheets  - we went with the blue stars.  Next we will be putting a train decal on the wall and hanging some pictues.

We attended the Children's Lighthouse  Music Festival fundraiser this past weekend.  There was a good turn out and was a lot of fun!  Ben loved the clown most of all.  He was a little shy of all the kids dancing and bopping around to the Teddy Bear Band but had fun none the less. 

Auntie Jojo turned my little man into a dragon. 
He loved it and was very sad when we had to wash it off for bed!!!
Can you see him saying "Cheese" in order to take this picture?
What a turkey!

Benjamin and Mo. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

3 weeks and counting :)

Ben has been diaper free (except for naps and over nights) for 3 whole weeks!!!

We even adventured out to the "great Minnesota get together"!  And it lived up to its name - It was GREAT!  We arrived around 10:30 and headed home around 8!  We hit just about every bathroom there (some twice) and had no accidents!!  By the way, Ben LOVES himself a corn dog!!  Just like his Momma!!!

We travel with the potty in the car as we have had to pull over a couple of times for peeps AND poops - which is super when you are on the freeway - but better that than in the pants....not complaining.

Naps he usually wakes up dry and most mornings he wakes up dry.  But I am not ready to give into just underwear for those just yet 

Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

And the streak continues!!

Potty training has been going absolutely FANTASTIC!!  It has been 2 full weeks now and only a few accidents!  He is dry when he wakes up from his naps and is "almost" dry in the mornings.  We couldn't be more proud of our little guy! 

Some pics from our adventure to The Children's Museum.  He had a great time this time!  He loved the building playing with the instruments, playing with boats in the water area, driving the bus and playing in the Lego castle.   But what he LOVED the most was painting!  He didn't want to leave and when we finally did he wanted to go back! 

Admiring his creation
A Masterpiece!!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Our first outing - diaperless

Well.....Not really diaperless - I had 3 in the bag and 2 sets of clean shorts with.

We have officially been potty training for 7 full days and Ben has been doing S-U-P-E-R!!!

We ventured out tonight for the first time for a bit of shopping and dinner.  Ben made it without an accident and peeps on the big potty 3 times!!  WaaaaHooooo!!!

This is what I like to call......blackmail

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Streaking is so ghetto

As you have been reading, potty training is in FULL swing at our house!  It's all about Peeps and Poops - all day - every day!!  Benjamin is so proud of himself!  He s-q-u-e-a-l-s with excitement when he is done. Sometimes he gets up to see what he has done before he is done and sprinkles the froggy potty and the floor and sometimes even the wall.  Thank GOD for wood floors and eggshell paint that can be wiped off!!!  When this happens the ever amusing "make more" is bellowed and the squealing commences as he is *again* finished. 

Unexpectedly, friends of ours pop over last night for a few minutes with their little girl, who is adorable in all her pink and ruffles, just after we ate spaghetti so Benjamin is covered from head to toe in sauce and noodles.  We clean him up as best as we can without a full fledged bath but he is still orange stained and despite wearing a bib, sauce is all over his shirt.  I love when he feels the need to wipe his hands on his BACK while covered in spaghetti sauce.  Note to self - next time we eat spaghetti - do it naked...not me....him....and by him, I mean BEN!  Sheesh...thought I should clarify...any who, our friends come over and there is Ben in his dirty shirt without pants showing off all the goods.....all I can do is shake my head and think to myself, if I didn't know us.....I would think that we are soooooo GHETTO............

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I think he just might get it

Last night was another successful potty training evening!  Which resulted in 2 more stickers on the Potty Star!!

This afternoon, at 12:19 to be exact, I get this message on my phone from Grandma:

"Just called to give you an update.  10 peepee’s and 1 poopoo all in the potty!!!"


So proud of my little man!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The mysterious missing "poops"

For months – closer to a year - we have been talking with Ben about going potty on the big boy potty. Let's start out saying that he calls #1 and #2..."poops". For about 2 months he has been consistantly telling us that he "poops" but always after he has done the deed. This weekend was a Momma and Ben weekend and he would tell me "poops" and then get the glazed "ahhhh" look in his eyes. It was a first - He was telling me BEFORE he was going! so of course, I tell Grandma that he is getting closer and she says, "well, let's just see how he does" and next thing I know he is naked from the bottom down. So began the potty training adventure.

Day 1: He and Grandma had a rough time. Let's just say there was no potty chair action to be had but a lot of scrubbing of the chair, carpet, couch, floor....ugh....maybe he wasn't ready after all :(

Monday is garbage day at Grandma's. So as they do every Monday, Grandma went to the front room to open the blinds so they could watch the big truck but this time there was no little crazy person following yabbering up a storm about trucks go fast and such. She called. No answer. ((Ruttt roooo)) She started on her way back and met Ben in the hallway who tells her "poops". So they head swiftly back to the potty chair to sit on it but low and behold what does she see but the rements of the "poops" that Ben had informed her of. She checks out his bottom and there was definitely "poops" that happened - the real kind. Inspects hands - nothing. All clean. She cleans him up and searches his favorite "hiding" spots and nothing.

What happened to the "poops"??

No idea!

The only witness.....the D-O-G!!! IVY!!! Could it be? Did she? If she did...so RUDE!!

So there you have it, we can only guess what happened to the the "poops".

As for potty training.......

Last night Ben peepee'd in the potty!! Chad and I made a HUGE deal of it! He got a mini marshmallows as a treat AND a sticker on the Potty Star! Which is simply a foam star and smiley face stickers that hang right above the Froggy potty chair that sits in the middle of my kitchen and living room. The more convienent the more likely he is to use it, right! That's the philosphy I am going with. :)

Day 2: There was 1 peepee accident that I caught in the middle so he finsihed on the potty and then there were 3 more peepee's and 2 poops!! YIPPEEE!!!!

Boy do I hope we are done with diapers by Christmas........

(2 years, 2 months and 3 weeks old)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

2 years and 2 months old!

Ben:  "Momma, I want dis!"
Me:  "What do you say?"
Ben:  "Peeaase"  gesturing please on his chest
I hand him what ever it is he is needing help with
Ben:  "Anck ewe"
Me:  "You're welcome, Benjamin, I love you"
Ben:  "I yove lou!!!"

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

On the night you were born

We spent another wonderful weekend up north.  The weather cooperated as best as it could for 2 lovely days on the boat.  Complete with wading in the water and a much needed nap.  We left a little later then expected, thus throwing the bedtime routine out the window.  But it was ok.  The 3 of us snuggled in bed and I read one of my favorite books, "On the night you were born" by Nancy Tillman. 

"On the night you were born you were born,
the moon smiled with such wonder
that the stars peeked in to see you
and the night whispered ,
"life will never be the same...""


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Boys will be boys

Trains, airplanes, trucks, buses and cars rule my house.  One must be careful when walking around our house so not to break your neck on a matchbox car.  Those {dang} things are EVERYWHERE!! 

Last week, the WSP ECFE had a Truck and Travel show.  What an event!  There were fire trucks, police cars, semi trucks, cement trucks, school buses and tractors - oh my!!  The place was PACKED with kids all between the ages of 3 and 5 running and screaming with excitement at each of the vehicles.  Ben was a little intimidated at first but quickly warmed up. 

Benjamin is obsessed with Cars these days!  He got a few of the Cars character matchbox cars for this birthday and they haven't left his hands since!  It's pretty cool when your toy comes to "life" in your local high school parking lot!

Screaming and pointing "Mater"
Ben sitting in Tow Mater.  Playing with all the buttons and honking the horn.

Telling Mom all about the cool stuff in Mater. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

2 years old

I can hardly believe it's possible that Benjamin is 2 years old!  Who knew someone so little could fill your heart up so much?  I love everything about being a mom.  The bumps and the bruises as he learns to maneuver through a 2 year olds life's trials.  The cries of frustration.  The joy-filled shreaks when he's happy.  The pouty lip when he's sad.  The hugs.  The eskimo kisses.  The cuddling.  There is n.o.t.h.i.n.g better!


He is talking up a storm!! My favorite saying, "Come on Dad" and "Let's go dude". So cute!! He is obsessed with Disney Pixar's Cars and Mickey Mouse.

Height: 37 inches tall
Weight: 32.5 lbs
This puts him in the 97th percentile for height and 90th for weight.
The doctor said “Boy, he’s solid. Going to be tall, by the size of his feet”.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

The women in my life are some of the very best women who have graced this Earth and I want to wish them a very Happy Mother's Day!! 

Some time ago, my mom mentioned that she had a hankering for BBQ ribs.  I put the bug in Chad's ear and off he went to get everything he needed.  We had a "potluck" dinner which makes hosting SUPER easy for me :)  The menu:  BBQ ribs (mom made the BBQ sauce - YUMMMMOOOOOO!!!), potato salad, roasted asparagus, veggie pasta salad, fresh fruit and for dessert we had pineapple bliss cupcakes - seriously delish!!  Rain and all we had a fantastic day!!  We ended the evening on a bit of a down note.  Ben crashed into the table and got his first (of many I'm sure) shiner - silly us for still having it extended (and in his flight pattern) after dinner. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The Easter Bunny dropped by for a surprise visit!

Ben wasn't so sure of him at first

We thought it might be another "Santa" melt down moment but.....

it didn't take long and there were high 5's and grabbing the bunny's nose and ears!

No time for pictures mom!  Gotta find my eggs!!

Ok...just one picture...but I am NOT smiling!!

                                                                   the bubble gun was a hit with all the kids!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Back yard play

Remember WAY back 2 weeks when it was SUPER warm?  Before it snowed...twice....I think it hit 67 degrees that ONE DAY!!!  Well, we took advantage and spent that evening outside.   While we were out, the neighbors next to us came over to introduce themselves.  They have a little boy that is 2 1/2.  Benjamin and "N" had a great time playing as we chatted and got to know one another.  These boys are going to have a lot of fun together!

I imagine that this summer we will be spending most of our time out in our new back yard as Ben asks to go out there EVERY-SINGLE-DAY...whether it's snowing or not.  On these not-so-nice days that we've been having Ben and I go out and visit Dad while he's grilling and examine the plantlife that is emerging.  So far, everything is PERFECT!!  There are a couple plant beds that each have different specie of day lillies that need next to no care but provide nice color, a few planter boxes that where I can plant tomatoes and veggies, one has a strawberry patch that has already come to life!!  Ben will LOVE that!!  There is a Clematis that I am very excited about.  I hope it's as beautiful as the one at my mom's old house. 

We have a couple of things that we want to add but there should not be a whole lot for us to do except ENJOY!!

Ben loving his apple while he plays

Who knew it could be that fun pretending to roll down a hill? 
He'd walk up the hill a few steps, sit down and then lay down!  HA!
The getting up prooved to be more than frustrating for him
but of course did a billion more times and got the hang of it.




All this playing and running wears a kid out!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh....the poor Cozy Coup

You've heard of cow tipping, right?   According to wikipedia cow tipping or cow pushing is the purported activity of sneaking up on a sleeping, upright cow and pushing it over for fun.

Well, at our house, our little maniac has started a fun game of Cozy Coup tipping.  This is where said crazy red headed child drives his beloved cozy coup all through the back yard to it's perfect resting destination and proceeds to push it over and scream "uhhh ohhhh".  Like it's some big surprise that it's going to tip over.  And yes...the "uhhhh ohhhh" never decreases in volume even after the 178th tip....in the same afternoon.

Cozy Coup Tipping is hard work!

Keep eating your spinach, Popeye, and you'll be able to move mountains!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My little not even 2 year old lines up his trains in a row on the floor, on the table, on the edge of the couch, he gets eye level and observes and analyzes each and every train.  He pulls them forward and pushes them back.  He lines them up single file, diagonal and straight across.  He studies their faces and turns each wheel.  He's something else! 
Where does he get this from??

If you were to ask my mom...she would say ME! YIKES!! 

Houston we are going to be in trouble if that is the case ;o)

I tried to capture him when he had his cheek on the floor checking out his trains.....

But that didn't happen....


He was far too interested in my camera after that.

so begins.....

my weaving....

...and dodging....

...to capture....THIS!!!!