Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Big changes going on at the Matson house

Our summer has absolutely flown by! In a matter of what seemed like a blink of an eye but was actually months and months, we decided to sell our house, found a fantastic realtor, put our house on the market, made some updates, sold it and bought a new one. Whew! We close on both mid November!

We (I think especially me) are thrilled that we will have our bedrooms on the same level. Currently, we are not on the same level as Ben and I have wicked nightmares about being one of those stories of the 3 year old who wondered out of the house in the middle of the night in 20 below weather. Or him taking a bad spill down the stairs trying to get to us.

Aside from all of that we had great summer! Here are some of my faves

Now onto what's new with Benjamin.

Benjamin is saying "Hi", "Bye", "yum-yum" (that's for food), "Daaaa" (for Daddy)

He signs more, please, up and all done.

When asked what a dog says, he says "woofwoof" in a super high pitched voice - I bet you can guess that our dog is little.
When asked what a lion says, he says "roar" with a raspy little voice! Love it!!

He loves to push things. He especially likes his lego wagon that holds everything but the legos it came with. It's fun to watch as he "shops" around Grandma's house. He is forever picking up new items, taking out the items he no longer wants. We have learned that if the remote or sippy cup are missing....check there! He is mastering climbing on the couches. Learning to stack blocks and putting together the big legos. He is infatuated with books. Which I love! We have introduced him to match box cars, they are still a little to small for him but he likes to carry them around.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Trains and squeals

We spent this past weekend in Iowa for Chad's Grandma's funeral. It was a time for remembrance and laughter. Grandma Choo-Choo, as we all called her because she lived near the train depot was 99 year old. Just 8 months short of reaching 100! She was a great lady who usually sat back and listened and interjected her uncencored point of view in when she felt necessary. I will miss that about her.

After the service and burial, we had a lovely luncheon at Grandma Choo-Choo's church. There is nothing like good old down home cooking. I haven't had pistachio, pineapple, cottage cheese jello in a billion years! Everything was wonderful! Those church ladies in Osceola, Iowa sure know how to cook!!

The lunch was held in the basement cafeteria of the church (and you know how those echo). Well, after lunch, the kids started playing (I had brought a few cars and trains with us to occupy), well these kids started playing and running around and next thing we heard was this ear peircing squeal of pure excitement! Ben was thrilled to be one of the crew and we were beyond words watching him!

I wonder when it will ever settl ein that he is ours....really ours....

We were in Iowa for 3 days and visited the train tracks at least half a dozen times. Chad is sure to pass on his love of trains to his son.

In awe...

This train was flying by!
Check out Ben's hair flapping in the breeze!

Wanting more!!!