Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The Easter Bunny dropped by for a surprise visit!

Ben wasn't so sure of him at first

We thought it might be another "Santa" melt down moment but.....

it didn't take long and there were high 5's and grabbing the bunny's nose and ears!

No time for pictures mom!  Gotta find my eggs!!

Ok...just one picture...but I am NOT smiling!!

                                                                   the bubble gun was a hit with all the kids!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Back yard play

Remember WAY back 2 weeks when it was SUPER warm?  Before it snowed...twice....I think it hit 67 degrees that ONE DAY!!!  Well, we took advantage and spent that evening outside.   While we were out, the neighbors next to us came over to introduce themselves.  They have a little boy that is 2 1/2.  Benjamin and "N" had a great time playing as we chatted and got to know one another.  These boys are going to have a lot of fun together!

I imagine that this summer we will be spending most of our time out in our new back yard as Ben asks to go out there EVERY-SINGLE-DAY...whether it's snowing or not.  On these not-so-nice days that we've been having Ben and I go out and visit Dad while he's grilling and examine the plantlife that is emerging.  So far, everything is PERFECT!!  There are a couple plant beds that each have different specie of day lillies that need next to no care but provide nice color, a few planter boxes that where I can plant tomatoes and veggies, one has a strawberry patch that has already come to life!!  Ben will LOVE that!!  There is a Clematis that I am very excited about.  I hope it's as beautiful as the one at my mom's old house. 

We have a couple of things that we want to add but there should not be a whole lot for us to do except ENJOY!!

Ben loving his apple while he plays

Who knew it could be that fun pretending to roll down a hill? 
He'd walk up the hill a few steps, sit down and then lay down!  HA!
The getting up prooved to be more than frustrating for him
but of course did a billion more times and got the hang of it.




All this playing and running wears a kid out!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh....the poor Cozy Coup

You've heard of cow tipping, right?   According to wikipedia cow tipping or cow pushing is the purported activity of sneaking up on a sleeping, upright cow and pushing it over for fun.

Well, at our house, our little maniac has started a fun game of Cozy Coup tipping.  This is where said crazy red headed child drives his beloved cozy coup all through the back yard to it's perfect resting destination and proceeds to push it over and scream "uhhh ohhhh".  Like it's some big surprise that it's going to tip over.  And yes...the "uhhhh ohhhh" never decreases in volume even after the 178th tip....in the same afternoon.

Cozy Coup Tipping is hard work!

Keep eating your spinach, Popeye, and you'll be able to move mountains!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


My little not even 2 year old lines up his trains in a row on the floor, on the table, on the edge of the couch, he gets eye level and observes and analyzes each and every train.  He pulls them forward and pushes them back.  He lines them up single file, diagonal and straight across.  He studies their faces and turns each wheel.  He's something else! 
Where does he get this from??

If you were to ask my mom...she would say ME! YIKES!! 

Houston we are going to be in trouble if that is the case ;o)

I tried to capture him when he had his cheek on the floor checking out his trains.....

But that didn't happen....


He was far too interested in my camera after that.

so begins.....

my weaving....

...and dodging....

...to capture....THIS!!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Guess what???

We have been NUK free for a WHOLE week!!! 

I have had this bug up my butt about ridding Benjamin of his NUK for about 6 weeks now.  Pretty much when since he started asking for it all-the-time!!  It was not like it was an appendage to him - I swear ;o)  We really only gave it to him for naps, in the car and bed time.  And.....of course, there would be the rare (uh huh) occasion that we'd be out and he'd be throwing a fit and we'd pop it in his mouth to quiet him down (I am going to miss this).  We...ok I... have been talking to Ben about giving his NUK to the babies and he's a big boy and the poor kids...and on and on...well finally the day came and it went down like this. 
Friday night - Adios NUK.  He went to bed WAY past his bed time, fussed but was not crazy, he just had a hard time settling himself.  It was about 1/2 hour before he was quiet.
Saturday afternoon nap:  15 minutes or so to settle and fall asleep
Saturday night:  again about 15 minutes or so to settle and fall asleep
Sunday afternoon nap - 2 hours to settle!!  BAD!!  Almost gave in but didn't.  Went up there and told him that Grandma was NOT going to come over for dinner if he didn't sleep.  Then I turned on the music box (should have thought about that 2 hours ago!!).  Slept for 2 hours!!  YES!!

Ever since - naps or night time - there has been no problems!

Don't get me wrong, everything has NOT been peachy.   Our BIGGEST challenge has been the car.  EVERY-SINGLE-TIME he asks - sometimes SCREAMS - for his NUK.  I tell him that his NUK is all gone, he crabs for a minute - sometimes 2 and I give him a toy to hold/play with.  That seems to be doing the trick.  I just need to make sure that I have something in my purse or vehicle at all times.

Going up north for a 3 hour car trip should be very interesting.....we'll cross that bridge in a few weeks.