One of my favorite memories growing up was Christmas morning! The lights on the tree twinkled brighter then they had the days before. The ornaments sparkled like Santa's elfs had been up all night polishing each and every one. And the presents! Oh the presents overflowed into the middle of the room. How could they all have fit on Santa's sleigh?? Mom and dad would sit back and watch as we tore threw each and every gift, each one better then the last! Famished, we would head to the kitchen and gobble up Mom's famous egg bake and then back to the living room where we'd all play for hours. It was those mornings when He-Man and My Little Pony became best friends. The green army guys and Hotwheels would line the couches to make way for Barbie in her pink corvette. It was the best!!
This year was no exception. Christmas morning was indeed FANTASTIC. It started out like any other morning for us. Ben woke up at his usual time. We did our usual morning routine and he took his usual morning nap. But while he was alseep the magic of Christmas began to take shape. The egg bake went into the oven along with homemade carmel rolls. The scent was delightful! Presents multiplied and filled the room. Around noon Grandma, Anna and Uncle Matt came over. Ben woke up from his nap, we all had brunch and then it was present time.

Both Daddy and Uncle Matt got a yard of beef from Grandma.
In our house, Santa brought all the presents and good stuff and mom and dad gave the underwear and pajamas. At almost 40 years old, today was no exception for Uncle Matt. Tried and true, Grandma got Matt t-shirts and underwear. We all got a good chuckle out of this!
Anna got all sorts of smelly stuff and lip gloss from Victoria Secret and Ugg style boots that she actually liked!!! Woo hooo!! Way to go Auntie Sarah!! It's a challenge to find stuff for a teenage girl!!

Ben got a phone....that he didn't put down all day
..and lots of other fun stuff (Tons more Thomas, Sid the Science Kid, Chuck race way and so many more that I can't list them all)

Not to mention he got a potty!!!

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