Christmas shopping is DONE!! YEAAAAAAA!!!
This year's Christmas shopping for Ben was a blast! The toys in this age group (2-4) are so much fun!!
This tent/tunnel was the find of the season!!! $15 at JCPenny!! I can foresee hours of entertainment and a billion cars being whipped through the tunnel!! I can't wait for him to try to shove the dog in there! HA!! Poor's a good thing that she's such a good dog. The last snow storm we had we set up a fort in the kitchen with a sheet and kitchen chairs. He thought that he was the top banana in there. I can only imagine what he'll think of this!!
Our 2010 Christmas pictures
Ben met Santa for the first time

To put it mildly...Ben was not a fan.
Hopefully their next encounter will be better.
One can only hope :)
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