As I sit here and write this entry, I can harldy believe that my little boy is a month away from turning 1! Is motherhood everything I expected? Yes! And more! I am still enjoying every moment of being a mom. I couldn't ask for a better boy. He is the light of my life. One thing that has become astoundingly apparent to me is the affects of praise. What a difference a little clapping and whooping does for my little one's self confidence. I clap and cheer him on just as happily when we're out and about as when we are at home. Boy, does it ever make a difference! Last week Benjamin was having his afternoon snack of oranges and wanted to pick up those little pieces but wasn't quite able to. So I put a chunk on his fork and helped him put it in his mouth and hipped and hurrayed to beat the band, I put another chunck on his fork and helped him again and by chunk #3 he was doing it all by himself! I think that for every piece that went into his mouth we whooped louder then the time before! It written all over his face how proud he was of himself.
Pics from Daddy's birthday
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