We spent a wonderful Labor Day weekend up north. Benjamin experienced lots of firsts. He had his first pontoon ride, which was lovely and so relaxing that he slept through most of it.

He went in the pool for the first time for a little swim. He wasn't so sure about it at first but he quickly got the hang of it and before long he was kicking, splashing and squeeling with pure excitement until he splashed himself in the face and that was the end of the fun.

There is definitely some truth to the fresh air tiring you out because that boy slept for 13 hours straight both Saturday and Sunday!! Wooo hooo!! Ben is in full teething mode. He is a drooling machine and cannot seem to chew enough on his hands. His gums are swollen and there is a little bit of a tooth starting to poke through. For hurting he had a pretty good weekend.

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