It has been a very long time since my last post so let me give you the low down on what's been going on.
The last 2 months has proven to be a huge growth spurt in Benjamin's development. Each stage has lasted about 2 weeks.
- Stage 1: (Thanksgiving) Ben started to sit upon his own.
- Stage 2: (1st week in December) He could get himself from the sitting position to his hands and knees and then to his tummy.
- Stage 3: (Christmas) As soon as he was able to get from his butt to his tummy he was on a mission. He started to get up on his hands and knees and rock but wasn't able to coordinate all 4 limbs and the brain yet. But he could swirm all over on his tummy.
- Stage 4: (New Years) Benjamin was crawling backwards on his hands and kness.
- Stage 5: (January 6th) Benjamin is an offical crawler!!