I have never been one for Christmas shopping....I like to get it all done early to avoid the crowds and the hussle and bussle of the season...rather bah hum bug I suppose. Well this year was another story, early on in the season we picked up a few things for Ben, a couple of book, some jammies and a ball. As Christmas grew nearer, the commercials showing the toys of the season and the news stories of the top 10 gifts of the year got to me and next thing I knew I was out picking up something here and there and poof before I knew it the living room was packed full of fun for Ben!
Christmas Eve we spent with Chad's family in Ramsey. Despite the snow and ice we had a wonderful evening and morning together. We got off to a late start due to the weather so it was a good thing that we had planned on spending the night. Ben knew that there was a party going on and was not about to go to sleep until every last present was opened. He loved touching the wrapping paper and bows! Uncle Mark gave him his first taste of sweetness, a chocolately pudding goody that Auntie Lori made. Ben was a mess head to toe and loved every minute of it! His evening ended with getting hosed down in the kitchen sink!
Christmas morning we headed back to our house and spent the day with my mom and neice. Ben was again a busy little boy. He loved the curly ribbon on the gifts. Over and over again he's pull the tendrels through his fingers. As of late his favorite thing to do is pound. He pounds the floor, himself, Momma, the dog, anything he get his hands on. Santa brought him a set of bongo drums that light up and make noise when you pound on them. He LOVES them! Books were another big hit this year. The hard page books are a favorite as he can "turn" the page. Our favorite right now is a touch and feel book called "I See a Monster". He also got an orange ball that is just about the same color as his hair and he has figured out that it rolls and how to pick it up and drop it!
New Year's Day we had Christmas with my dad's side of the family. It was again a great day! Benjamin had his first taste of Lebenese goodness, baked Kibbee! And boy did he like it!! Uncle John, Auntie Cathie and Auntie Jeanne made all the kids a rocking horse patterned off of a rocking horse that Grandpa had made for my dad when he was 6 months old. I LOVE it!! Ben will love it too when he gets a little bigger. That is totally something that my dad would have done. It was so fun watching the bigger kids playing on them!!